Thursday, October 9, 2008

Let’s talk about the uninformed electorate

This video was taken outside of a Sarah Palin rally:

Sadly, this combination of vitriol/ignorance mixed with Republican voter suppression efforts may very well take the day on November 4th. Having strong opinions about the issues and voting for the candidate you believe will be the best president for the country and all of its citizens is one thing; accepting propaganda as fact, voting for a candidate based on their personality, and voting against the other candidate instead of voting for your own, is another. This uninformed electorate would be happy to vote against their own self-interest and go back to listening to their favorite pundit tell them that everything is fine while the world crumbles around them. I, for one, would be happy to see this segment of the population suffer under the burden of foreclosure, loss of civil liberties, stagnating salaries, and perpetual war. The problem is, they’re dragging the rest of us down with them. While trying to enlighten the uninformed electorate is difficult, there are baby steps we can take. For example, get familiar with and help shut down the ignorant propagandistic e-mails forwarded to you by friends, or check out and help educate people on their voting rights. Smart voters unite!

Oh yeah, and for the reverend’s spiteful minions – BOO! Abortion!

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