Thursday, August 20, 2009

Net Neutrality and Fake Grassroots Organizations

I follow media policy and one of the issues that comes up over and over is Net Neutrality. Big telecom companies are doing everything they can to control the internet so they can charge you more money and limit access to small internet developers who then turn into thriving companies they have to compete with. These companies try over and over to push through legislation and regulation that would limit free and open access to the internet and as you can imagine, each time they try to do it their is an enormous public outcry.
Now they're putting together their own fake grassroots organizations to combat the will of the people (something like political astroturf). Check out the widget below to see what some of the biggest media companies have done and are doing to mess with your internet. Click on the puppeteer hands for information.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Go get 'em Barney!

Thursday, August 13, 2009