Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fixing Government: Looking Past the Next Election

You may know Lawrence Lessig's work in intellectual property issues. He's the guy behind creative commons licensing. Last year he left the media reform movement to focus on making government work better. He's involved with a new group called Change Congress. You can check them out at


Here's a powerpoint presentation that argues that the U.S. Congress has basically failed its constitutional mandate--consistently making bad public policy because of it's reliance on campaign contributions. It's got the usual horrible powerpointy stuff going on (bad art, excessive text, clever puns, etc.) but I find it well worth the attention investment. If you're sick of the way government is run but still unwilling to give up, throw up your hands in disgust, and hunker down into a cynical anti-social bliss, then check this out.

Safari users can see the full video here.

1 comment:

The Libertine said...

I heard this guy on NPR when he first formed change-congress.org; he makes a lot of sense. It’s the pathway from governmental policy to popular, biased (right-wing) media to the voting public that I fear spells the end of government by the people (e.g. the media vs. science global warming example). How are people going to pressure their leaders to make policy decisions based on truth instead of lobbying if they are too lazy to find it out for themselves?