Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Links! And a comical film review!

As you may have noticed, I’ve added some links to the blog, and I encourage our other contributors to do the same. McSweeney’s is a place for writers to exorcise their satiric demons; The Huffington Post, well, it’s The Huffington Post; Fuck You Penguin is a blog that tells cute animals what is what; Democracy Now! is the premiere independent news site on the web (I recommend daily listening); Crossfit is a kick ass daily work out that will put you in the best shape of your life if you follow it with some regularity; and, while last on the list, first in my heart, Wise Ax (you know you want to read it!)

Now on to the Sundance movie review of the day. At first, I was going to write about Afghan Star, but you can already find an excellent review and trailer at Wise Ax. I will, however, take this opportunity to review the short film that preceded it called Theresa’s Story. Some of you may have read my review of My Surfing Lucifer at the end of Saturday’s rant, in which I now feel I spoke too soon when I said it was, “the worst thing that has ever graced the big screen.” Teresa’s Story - now this “film” is not only a steaming pile of wasted resources, it seems like its sole purpose is to annoy. Watching it was like having an epileptic orangutan shave away at my soul with a cheese grater. The entire “film” (it hurts me to even use that word, because it denotes at least an attempt to create something artistic or socially redeeming) consists of a split screen of a child sitting on a staircase telling an obnoxiously overlapping, incoherent story punctuated by random, shrill screams and shouts. It’s basically an intensive case study of everything a child should NOT do, unless they want to get smacked upside the head by an attentive parent. My only solace after seeing this is hopefully, this is the filmmaker’s child, and that he or she will be tortured by this little “artist” until the day they die.

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